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МБОУ "СОШ №28" г.Кемерово

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«Кемерово-город будущего» 9 классы

5 февраля учащимся 9ых классов на уроках английского языка было предложено написать сочинение на тему «Кемерово-город будущего». Вот что в целом пишут ребята:

Kemerovo was founded in 1701 and it is the administrative center of the Kemerovo region. It is our hometown. We were born and live in it. Kemerovo is the capital of Kuzbasse.  Kuzbasse is rich in coal, which is exported in many countries.

Every day the city is changing for the better. Our city has a lot of sculptures, monuments, theatres, museums etc. The area of culture and art is developed here. Kemerovo is not a big city, but there you can get education. In Kemerovo there are universities, colleges, academies where people get different professions. Many well-known people learned and improved their skills here.

Also, Kemerovo is friendly city with a very kind population. Sometimes there you can meet foreigners who are interested in Kemerovo. They say that Kemerovo is a green and beautiful city. There are few European cities where there are a lot of green areas.

Kemerovo is changing… It will definitely be different in the future. Is it the city of the future? I think «Yes». We, the residents of Kemerovo, will help it to develop and prosper!

Просмотров: 312 | Добавил: saltykovaiu
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